Members: Department Staff > Full Professors
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Module 5, Office 602, 6th floor workWork Phone: +34 91 497 4907workWork Email: pedro.tarazona@uam.esINTERNET ![Photo of Pedro Tarazona Lafarga Photo of Pedro Tarazona Lafarga]()
Biographical Info
- Born in Barbastro (Huesca,Spain) 1955.
- Married (1993), two children (1994, 1999).
- Graduate in Physics Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1977.
- Ph.D. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1981, Supervisor: Guillermo Navascues.
- Postdoctoral University of Bristol (UK), 1981-1983.
- Associate Professor, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1985-1995.
- Sabbatical Universität Wien, 1991.
- Full Professor, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, since 1995.
- Academic responsabilities at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid along the time: Coordinator for the Degree in Physics, Director of the Master in Biophysics, Head of the Department.
- Research responsabilities: Member of the Network Panel in Physics (CE) by ESF proposal. Coordinator for Physics and Mathematics in the Spanish Agency for Scientific Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP), 1996-1999.
- Member of the Liquids Board of the EPS 1999-2002.
- Member of the C6 (Biological Physics) Commission of the IUPAP (2011-14).
Honors and Awards
- Graduation Award “Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura” at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 1977.
- Medal of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics (RSEF) 2014.
Research Interests
- Soft Condensed Matter Physics and Biophysics: phase transitions, liquids, crystallization, liquid crystals, density functional approximations and extension to dynamical properties.
- Fluctuations in fluid interfaces, capillary waves and mesoscopic surface hamiltonian.
- Lipid membranes, foams and Newton black films.
- Evolutionary dyanmics, molecular quasi-species and ARN folding.
- Protein filament: mesoscopic descriptions of FtsZ and the link to membrane deformation and segregation.
Relevant/Recent Publications
- Effect of dispersion forces on the capillary-wave fluctuations of liquid surfaces, by E. Chacon, E.M. Fernandez and P. Tarazona, Phys. Rev. E 89, 042406 (2014). [URL]
- Torsion and curvature of FtsZ filaments, by P. Gonzalez de Prado Salas, Pablo, et al. Soft Matter 10, 1977 (2014). [URL]
- Intrinsic Fluid Interfaces and Nonlocality, by E.M. Fernandez, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 111, 096104 (2013). [URL]
- Depolymerization dynamics of individual filaments of bacterial cytoskeletal protein FtsZ, by P. Mateos-Gil, et al., PNAS 109, 8133 (2012). [URL]
- Hydrodynamics of nanoscopic capillary waves, by R. Delgado-Buscalioni, E. Chacon and P. Tarazona, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 106102 (2008). [URL]
- Density functional theories of hard particle systems, by P. Tarazona, J.A. Cuesta and Y. Martinez-Raton, Lectures Nortes in Physics, 753, 247-341, Springer-Verlag (2008). [URL]
- Density Functional for Hard Sphere Crystals: A Fundamental Measure Approach, by P. Tarazona, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 694 (2000). [URL]
- Dynamic density functional theory of fluids, by U.Marini Bettolo Marconi and P. Tarazona, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 8032 (1999). [URL]
- Free energy density functional for hard-spheres, by P. Tarazona, Phys. Rev. A 31, 2672 (1985). [URL]
Categories: Full Professors
Updated 3 years ago.