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Anael Ben-Asher

Postdoctoral ResearcherNanophotonics Group
Module 5, Office 501, 5th floor
Photo of Anael Ben-Asher

Biographical Info

  • PhD in Chemistry, Technion, 2021.

Honors and Awards

  • H2020-MSCA-COFUND-CIVIS3i Fellow, 2022-2024.
  • ADAMS Academy Fellow, 2018-2021.

Research Interests

  • Polaritonics.
  • Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
  • Molecular physics.

Relevant/Recent Publications

  1. Ben-Asher, Anael, Antonio I. Fernández-Domínguez, and Johannes Feist. “Non-Hermitian Anharmonicity Induces Single-Photon Emission.” Physical Review Letters 130.24 (2023): 243601.
Categories: Postdoctoral Researchers
Updated 11 months ago.