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Diego Fernández de la Pradilla Viso

Ph.D. StudentNanophotonics Group
Module 5, Office 402.3, 4th floor
Photo of Diego Fernández de la Pradilla Viso

Biographical Info

  • 2015-2019: BSc. at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • 2019-2020: MSc. in Elementary Particles and Cosmology at Instituto de Física Teórica (UAM-CSIC)

Honors and Awards

  • Research Award for Physics Students, Instituto Nicolás Cabrera (2018)
  • Beca de Colaboración (2018-2019)
  • Ayuda de Investigación en Estudios de Máster – UAM (2019-2020)

Research Interests

  • Polaritonic Chemistry
  • Quantum Optics
  • Nanophotonics

Relevant/Recent Publications

Revisiting the experimental test of Mermin’s Inequalities at IBMQ, D. González, D. Fernández de la Pradilla, and G. González, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 59, 3756-3768 (2020) [URL]

Categories: Ph. D. Students
Updated 1 month ago.