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![Photo of Juan Carlos Cuevas Photo of Juan Carlos Cuevas]()
Biographical Info
- June 1993: Physics degree, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
- March 1999: PhD in Physics. Supervisors: Alvaro Martín Rodero and Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Topic: “Electronic transport through normal and superconducting nanostructures”.
- November 1999 – December 2000: Post-doc with an “Individual Marie Curie Fellowship” in the group of Gerd Schön, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.
- January 2001 – October 2003: Post-doc in the group of Gerd Schön, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.
- November 2003 — December 2007: Head of the Junior Research Group (Nachwuchsgruppe) on Theoretical Aspects of Molecular Electronics within the Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik of the Universität Karlsruhe.
- October 2004 — December 2006: Associate professor (replacement) in the Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).
- January 2007 — present: Associate professor (permanent position) in the Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).
Honors and Awards
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowship of the European Union (granted in March 1999) for the realization of a postdoctoral stay in the Universiät Karlsruhe (Germany).
- Prize of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for outstanding thesis work (2000).
- Grant: “Junior Research Group (Nachwuchsgruppe)” in theoretical aspects of molecular electronics (2003). Agency: “Helmholtz Gemeinschaft”, German state.
- “Tina Ulmer Prize for Teaching” together with Prof. Elke Scheer for our teaching performance. Prize awarded by the The foundation Science and Society in the University of Konstanz.
Research Interests
- Molecular electronics.
- Transport properties of superconducting nanostructures.
- Spintronics.
- Nanoplasmonics.
Relevant/Recent Publications
- Peltier cooling in molecular junctions, L. Cui, R. Miao, K. Wang, D. Thompson, L.A. Zotti, J.C. Cuevas, E. Meyhofer, P. Reddy, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 122 (2018). [URL]
- Quantized thermal transport in single-atom junctions, L. Cui, W. Jeong, S. Hur, M. Matt, J.C Klöckner, F. Pauly, J.C. Cuevas, E. Meyhofer, P. Reddy, Science 355, 1192 (2017). [URL]
- Radiative heat transfer in the extreme near field, K. Kim, B. Song, V. Fernández-Hurtado, W. Lee, W. Jeong, L. Cui, D. Thompson, J. Feist, M.T.H. Reid, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, J.C. Cuevas, E. Meyhofer, P. Reddy. Nature 528, 387 (2015). [URL]
- Direct observation of Josephson vortex cores, D. Roditchev, C. Brun, L. Serrier-Garcia, J.C. Cuevas, V.H.L. Bessa, M.V. Milosevic, F. Debontridder, V. Stolyarov, T. Cren. Nature Physics 11, 332 (2015). [URL]
- Enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer in polar dielectric thin films, B. Song, Y. Ganjeh, S. Sadat, D. Thompson, A. Fiorino, V. Fernández-Hurtado, J. Feist, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, J.C. Cuevas, P. Reddy, E. Meyhofer. Nature Nanotechnology 10, 253 (2015). [URL]
- Long-range charge transport in single G-quadruplex DNA molecules, G. I. Livshits, A. Stern, D. Rotem, N. Borovok, G. Eidelshtein, A. Migliore, E. Penzo, S. J. Wind, R. Di Felice, S. S. Skourtis, J.C. Cuevas, L. Gurevich, A. B. Kotlyar, D. Porath. Nature Nanotechnology 9, 1040 (2014). [URL]
- A current-driven single-atom memory, C. Schirm, M. Matt, F. Pauly, J.C. Cuevas, P. Nielaba and E. Scheer, Nature Nanotechnology 8, 645 (2013). [URL]
- Heat dissipation in atomic-scale junctions, W. Lee, K. Kim, W. Jeong, L.A. Zotti, F. Pauly, J.C. Cuevas, and P. Reddy, Nature 498, 209 (2013). [URL]
- Molecular Electronics: An Introduction to Theory and Experiment, J. C. Cuevas and E. Scheer, World Scientific Publishers (2010). [URL]
- Optical rectification and field enhancement in a plasmonic nanogap, D.R. Ward, F. Hüser, F. Pauly, J.C. Cuevas, and D. Natelson, Nature Nanotechnology 5, 732 (2010). [URL]