Members: Postdoctoral Researchers
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Module 5, Office 508, 5th floor workWork Phone: +34 91 497 XXXXworkWork Email: frieder.lindel@uam.esINTERNET Biographical Info
- Since 2024: Postdoctoral Researcher at Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
- 2020-2024: PhD, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.
Honors and Awards
- 2020-2024: PhD scholarship of the „Studienstiftung des deutsch Volkes“
- 2019: Alumni Prize of the University of Freiburg for outstanding master theses.
Research Interests
- Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics
- Quantum optics
- Cavity QED.
Relevant/Recent Publications
- F. Lindel, A. M. Herter, J. Faist, S. Y. Buhmann (2023), Probing vacuum field fluctuations and source radiation separately in space and time. Physical Review Research 5, 043207.
- F. Lindel, E. G. Carnio, S. Y. Buhmann, A. Buchleitner (2023), Quantized fields for optimal control in the strong coupling regime. Physical Review Letters 130, 133601.
- F. F. Settembrini, F. Lindel, A. M. Herter, S. Y. Buhmann, J. Faist (2022), Detection of quantum-vacuum field fluctuations outside the light-cone. Nature Communications 13, 3383.
- F. Lindel, F. F. Settembrini, R. Bennett, S. Y. Buhmann (2022), Probing the Purcell effect without radiative decay: lessons in the frequency and time domains. New Journal of Physics 24, 013006.
- F. Lindel, R. Bennett, and S. Y. Buhmann (2020). Theory of polaritonic quantum vacuum detection. Physical Review A 102, 041701(R).
Categories: Postdoctoral Researchers
Updated 10 months ago.