Physics Undergraduate Student Research Awards – 2015

research_awards_2015The Instituto Universitario de Ciencia de Materiales Nicolás Cabrera (INC) and the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter PhysicsDepartment of Physics of Materials and Department of Applied Physics, provide 5 awards for research works performed by undergraduate students of Physics. Students will present their work during the Young Researchers Meeting of the INC, to be held in December 2015.

Eligible students

  • Physics students with excellent marks, preferably third and fourth year undergraduate students.
  • Students must have chosen the Department and the subject of their work.
  • The performed work  should be different than previous work by the student (for example, work made for the Physics undergraduate studies), but it can be a continuation of previous work, and the student may chose  the same responsible scientist.

Students will present
A poster during the Young Researchers Meeting of the INC. The language of the meeting is English.

The candidates should send their application to before 1st of May 2015. In their email, they should provide their name and surnames, the Department and subject of their choice and a copy of their marks (expediente académico).

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