Author: FTMC Editor

SQUIRREL – Sensing Quantum Information Correlations

Funding Agency: IEF-Fellowships for career development, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF project number 623708. Duration: March 2014 – March 2015. Researcher: Elena del Valle. Scientist in charge: Fabrice Pierre Laussy. Description: The goal of the SQUIRREL project is to...

TNT 2013 Seville – Spain

The 14th edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2013) is being launched following the overwhelming success of earlier Nanotechnology Conferences. The TNT2013 edition will take place in the Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace, Seville...

Jorge Bravo-Abad – MIT Technology Review Innovadores

Jorge Bravo-Abad  is now a Ramón y Cajal Fellow (Tenure track) professor in the Condensed Matter Theory Department at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He recently received a MIT Technology Review Innovadores Spain Award, recognizing...