Monthly Archive: December 2015

Real-space Collapse of a Polariton Condensate

Article: published in Nature Communications by D. Colas, B. Silva Fernàndez and F. P. Laussy, Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and IFIMAC researchers. Exciton-Polariton are quasiparticles that arise from the coupling of two...

International Year of Light: Two New Kinds of Light

Title: International Year of Light: Two New Kinds of Light When: Friday, 18 December (2015), 12:00h Place: Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada, Facultad Ciencias, Module 5, Seminar Room (5th Floor). Speaker:...

Radiative Heat Transfer In The Extreme Near Field

Article: published in Nature by Víctor Fernández-Hurtado, Johannes Feist, Francisco J. García-Vidal and Juan Carlos Cuevas, Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and IFIMAC researchers. Radiative heat transfer between objects at different temperatures is...